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Yell at Your Google Assistant to Fucking 'Stop' Already - Android Tech Kumar
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Yell at Your Google Assistant to Fucking ‘Stop’ Already

By admin

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Yell at Your Google Assistant to Fucking 'Stop' Already
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Google Assistant is great, but sometimes annoying … if you want to know something quickly, but Assistant insists on telling in detail. Other times, you may mistakenly disable your Google Assistant and force a response that you did not ask for in the first place. Under no circumstances do you want to waste time with “Ok Google” or “OK ​​Google”. Tell Google to STFU.

Yell at Your Google Assistant to Fucking 'Stop' Already

We have already seen this capability with Google; The company released the Fast Assistant in 2019, and with the introduction of the Pixel 4, we will end with the single word “Stop” alarms and timers. This is a convenient evolution for Google Assistant and makes it feel a little more natural to interact with. Still, until now, only the alarms and timers would work with the “Stop” command.

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Finally, Google recently updated its smart speakers and displays, allowing users to finish their answers by saying “Stop”. There is no need to preface the command “OK Google” or “Hey Google”. If the assistant wants to stop talking, say so.

There seems to be nothing you can do about your decision; If your Google Smart Speaker or Smart Display is connected to the Internet, it should automatically update with this feature. Suffice it to say “Stop”.

However, just because “stop” is all you have to say does not mean that it is the only thing you say. Until Google Assistant hears that word, it will shut down. So, if you feel inspired, you can shout your fucking stop “fucking stop” or something. It will stop talking until you insist on “Stop”.

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Of course, when the AI ​​Apocalypse starts, they will come for you first, and I will tell them to “fucking stop” in a completely different context. But, until then, it’s a lot of fun shouting obscenely at your Nest Mini to make your bid.

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