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Headset Mic Not Working Windows 10 | ANDROID TECH KUMAR - Android Tech Kumar
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Headset Mic Not Working Windows 10 | ANDROID TECH KUMAR

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Headset Mic Not Working Windows 10


The most recommended solution to fix Onikuma headset not working on Windows PC is to download and install the latest audio driver files. By setting the Onikuma Headset Mic as the default recording device on your Windows PC, you can fix the Onikuma Headset Mic not working properly. Privacy settings prevent users from accessing the microphone and cause Onikuma headsets to not work properly on Windows computer systems.

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Sometimes microphone access is not enabled by default on specific systems; therefore, it may interfere with the operation of the headset microphone in Windows 10. If you disable microphone access, all applications on your system will not be able to hear the microphone. Sometimes, when some communication apps like Discord, Skype, Zoom, etc. are not in use, when some communication apps (such as Discord) cannot use the headset microphone, the headset microphone does not work properly. If you use the wrong or outdated audio or headphone driver, the headset microphone will not work.


Your headset may be disabled or not set as the default device on your Windows 10 system. Before you can use it, you need to allow Windows 10 systems and applications to access your headset. Go to privacy settings and allow access to the Windows 10 headset. Now that the headset is enabled and set as the default device, and you’ve increased the mic volume, try it out and see if it works.

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The microphone must be open and the microphone muted to receive sounds. You can also check if your microphone is working by speaking into it and checking if the input level bar responds to your voice.

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If you see your microphone showing audio input here, but you can’t get it to work in a specific app, you may need to open the app’s settings window and select the appropriate microphone input device. After uninstalling one or another application, check if the microphone starts working as before. Assuming a simple reboot doesn’t matter, the first stop when troubleshooting your microphone, especially if your microphone isn’t working at all, should be the audio settings in Windows. If changing the settings does not work for you, there may be a problem with your system hardware or with the headphones themselves.


Making changes to your Xbox profile settings may be enough to fix a headset not working. If the problem is related to the hardware connecting the headset to the computer/laptop, changing the settings may cause the problem. Incorrect drivers, Windows update, or settings can also cause audio distortion and other similar issues with your headphones. Sometimes a bad connection can also cause problems when using a headset.


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Windows microphone issues can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint because microphones, games, apps, and settings vary greatly in each use case. If you have a freshly installed version of Windows 10 and still have an outdated microphone driver, you most likely won’t run into audio, recording errors, or microphone mute issues. If the headset microphone is still not working, there is probably a hardware issue with the Windows 10 system or the headset.

If you’re still having the same problem on Windows 10, it’s time to check if the headset works with other devices. You can also try connecting a different headset to the device to make sure it works. If changing the port you’re using doesn’t work, plug your headset into another computer and see if that fixes the headset mic. After restarting, plug the headset back in and check if the microphone is working.


To turn off the computer, check that the headset is properly connected to the computer. If not, check that you’ve selected the correct audio output device and that the headset itself is connected (we’re all in a position where something doesn’t work because it’s not physically connected). The first thing you can do is check if the microphone is enabled on your computer.


If the microphone input volume is low, the computer or application will not detect anything. If your webcam is disabled in the Windows 10 Settings app, even desktop apps cannot receive microphone input. You won’t find an audio input on most computers if you’re using a 2-in-1 headset with only one jack (3.5mm jack in and out).


Learn how to fix your microphone in Windows 10, even if the microphone keeps dropping or not being detected at all. Many users reported that the internal microphone was not working on their laptop when they recently upgraded to the Windows 10 operating system and did not know how to run a microphone test to fix the problem. With the above in mind, a significant number of users have complained of issues where the Corsair headset microphone was not picking up audio but was instead outputting side audio through the ear pads.

We’ll cover some key fixes for microphone issues on Windows 10, Xbox One, and other reasons why your headset’s microphone might not be working properly right now. The first solution to Onikuma headset microphone not working problem on Windows PC is to run the audio troubleshooter.


If your microphone is not working, go to Settings > Privacy > Microphone. You can choose which specific programs have permission to access your microphone under Choose which apps can access your microphone, as well as grant your operating system access to the microphone on your headphones. For example, in Microsoft Skype, click Menu > Preferences > Audio & Video and select your preferred microphone device from the Microphone menu.


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